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  • Ana Carballal Broome Universidad Nebrija
  • Mª José Pinillos Costa Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Vol. 2 (2018), Articles, pages 129-145
Submitted: Nov 28, 2018 Accepted: Dec 18, 2018 Published: Dec 18, 2018
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In the global world, where cultural diversity is more present everyday, there is a growing interest in studying intercultural competencein depth which is essential to live and work in international ormulticultural contexts. However, the characteristics or abilities thatan interculturally competent person must have are not yet clearlydefined. This article aims to help clarify the relationship betweenmulticultural personality and education, taking into account thespecific experience of participating in a study abroad program. Themulticultural personality encompasses a series of specific personalitytraits, which favor or hinder the development of interculturalcompetence that in turn facilitates understanding in culturally diverseenvironments. To explore this question, an empirical research hasbeen carried out with college students comparing those who wereparticipating or had participated in a university program abroad tothose who lacked such experience. The result shows that participantswith study abroad experience had significantly higher levels in threeof the five multicultural personality traits: cultural empathy, openmindednessand social initiative. This result allows us to suggestthat these three multicultural personality traits are capable of beingtransformed through international experience, which has importantimplications for both theory and practice in the field of humanresources and international education.


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How to Cite

Carballal Broome, A., & Pinillos Costa, M. J. (2018). MULTICULTURAL PERSONALITY AND ITS RELATION WITH EDUCATION ABROAD. MODULEMA. Scientific Journal on Cultural Diversity, 2, 129–145.