Orientation, Multicultural, Factor analysis, QuestionnaireAbstract
This study analyzes what factors influence the academic orientation of the pre-university student when choosing a university degree. This research analyzes the validity and reliability of a questionnaire that identifies the orientation that students have or do not have to choose a university degree within a multicultural context. An exploratory, reliability and confirmatory factorial analysis has been carried out using the methodology of structural equations from the data obtained with a sample of N=432 students. The results show a combination of six factors (social, family, sociodemographic, decision making, orientation department and multicultural) in the instrument that coincides with the previous theoretical proposal, and the reliability data are also favorable. The analysis using the structural equation methodology confirms the fit of the data to the model, and suggests the elimination of an item that is not well related. It can be considered that the instrument is useful to measure the educational orientation in the choice of the university career by the pre-university student in multicultural contexts.
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