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  • Arturo Damián Rodríguez Zambrano Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí. Campus ULEAM. Manta.
  • María Nycole Mera Medranda Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí. Campus ULEAM. Manta.
  • Mirko Jair Toala Tigua Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí. Campus ULEAM. Manta.
  • Jean Carlos Castaño Moreira Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí. Campus ULEAM. Manta.
Vol. 5 (2021), Articles, pages 94-111
Submitted: Aug 17, 2021 Accepted: Sep 24, 2021 Published: Nov 14, 2021
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A pedagogical model is a theoretical compilation of the educational paradigms chosen by an educational institution in order to establish what the goals, methods and forms of relationship in the field of education are. The present investigation dealt with the paradigm that prevails in the teaching-learning process in a fiscomisional educational institution in Manta-Ecuador. In the present work, the classroom application of the “Horizonte Pedagógico Pastoral Fe y Alegría Ecuador” model declared as a constructivist partner is critically evaluated. The objective of the study is to contrast the pedagogical model declared by an institution in relation to the one applied in the classroom. Therefore, the participants were one (1) kindergarten teacher, nineteen (19) children and one (1) headteacher. The qualitative methodology was used in the case study modality, from the exploratory approach. Field observation and interview techniques were applied. The analysis was carried out from the categories: teaching competence, teaching process, learning process, teaching methodology and evaluation. Among the general findings, the teaching domain of their area of knowledge, the control of shared learning, the good management of the class plan, the training of reflective students, the application of foreign educational programs and the formative evaluation of learning stand out. It was concluded that the applied model is aligned with the institutionally declared one in the pedagogical task.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Zambrano, A. D., Mera Medranda, M. N., Toala Tigua, M. J., & Castaño Moreira, J. C. (2021). START-UP OF THE PEDAGOGICAL MODEL: AN ANALYSIS OF TEACHING PRACTICE IN A BASIS EDUCATION INSTITUTION. MODULEMA. Scientific Journal on Cultural Diversity, 5, 94–111.

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