Cut and Conceptlism in Matías Celedon’s La Filial (2013)


  • Sebastian Reyes Universidad de Santiago de Chile



conceptualism, novel, Chile, alienation.


Matías Celedón's “novel” La Filial (2013) is an hybrid text in its materiality and conceptual writing strategies. This article highlights literary genealogies of Celedón’s work, related to visual poetry and some forms of conceptualism in literature. The text is analyzed through the notion of "cut", investigating how the text is written from disruptions in time and space, where states of exception can be associated, as well as forms of alienation and estrangement. The heterogeneity of codes and registers, the minimalism as an object, the ambiguous and figurative language, are some of the features in La Filial that makes this work an artifact throughout its possible to question the way in which we construct memory and history.


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Author Biography

Sebastian Reyes, Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Profesor asociado

Departamento de Linguística y Literatura


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How to Cite

Reyes, S. (2020). Cut and Conceptlism in Matías Celedon’s La Filial (2013). Revista Letral, (24), 139–158.


