Traducción y poética en Octavio Paz a través de sus versiones de John Donne (1).


  • José María Pérez Fernández University of Granada



Translatión, Create Poetic, Metaphysical Poets, Poetic Metaphysics, Weltanschauung


It is well known notion of Octavio Paz on the translation of poetry as an ongoing process of creation and recreation of a singular universal poem. The concept of translation in this case transcends the mere transfer of ideas and images from one language to another to become a transcript or emblem of poetic creation, a metaphor for the relationship between reality and metaphysical language dyes. In my essay I intend to compare the poetry of Peace with the fundamental presuppositions of the so-called English metaphysical poets. For this purpose, will perform an analysis of both the original English translation by Octavio Paz of two poems by John Donne, "Elegy XIX. Going to Bed" and "The Anniversary". This comparison illustrates, first, the idea of Octavio Paz of translation as a key driver along literary history in the process of transfer of ideas and styles from one era to another. On the other hand, we may also see significant similarities in regard to the metaphysical poetry of John Donne and certain fundamental ideas in the doctrine Paciana: eroticism and erotic relationship as Ceremony and symbol of universal principles, as well as budgets theological in nature that underlie the idea of the word as a recreating force.


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How to Cite

Pérez Fernández, J. M. (2010). Traducción y poética en Octavio Paz a través de sus versiones de John Donne (1). Revista Letral, (5), 70–90.


