Aventura y aprendizaje en “Wing” (Luis Alfredo Sciutto). Un testimonio uruguayo sobre la Guerra Civil Española.


  • Niall Binns Complutense University of Madrid




Uruguayan Literature, Eye-Witness Account, Memoirs, Spanish Civil War, Journalism And Literature


The article recovers a forgotten book on the Spanish Civil War written by “Wing” (one of the pseudonyms of Luis Alfredo Sciutto), a Uruguayan sports journalist who, after reporting on the Berlin Olympics, was sent to Spain as war correspondent for the newspaper El Pueblo. Wing was a witness to the battle for Irún from the border at Hendaye, worked as a journalist in nationalist Spain for seven weeks and spent more than a month in republican jails. Una aventura en España narrates these experiences as a process of learning and discovery. As in all the best eye-witness accounts of the civil war, the ideological and spiritual evolution of the author emerges from the confrontation of his ideas and beliefs with his first-hand experience.



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Casanova, Manuel. Se prorroga el estado de alarma (memorias de un prisionero). Toledo: Editorial Católica Toledana, 1941.

Cerda, Martín. La palabra quebrada. Madrid: Veintisiete Letras, 2007.

Lucero, Diego. Crónicas del viejo Montevideo. Montevideo: SUAT, 2008.

Rocca, Pablo. “En 1937: la poesía y el fuego (Las antologías: otro campo de batalla)”. En Gonzalo Santonja, ed., El color de la poesía (Rafael Alberti en su siglo). Madrid: Sociedad Estatal de Conmemoraciones Culturales, tomo I (2004): 295-332.

VV.AA. Evocación y recuerdo de José Antonio. Montevideo: s.e., 1939.

Wing. Una aventura en España. Montevideo: Imprenta Florensa, 1938.

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How to Cite

Binns, N. (2010). Aventura y aprendizaje en “Wing” (Luis Alfredo Sciutto). Un testimonio uruguayo sobre la Guerra Civil Española. Revista Letral, (5), 46–63. https://doi.org/10.30827/rl.v0i5.3627


