The Transliterary Journey in the Novel El verbo J (2018) by Claudia Hernández


  • Sebastian Reyes Universidad de Santiago de Chile



trangender, travel, novel, El Salvador


The novel El Verbo J (2018) by the Salvadoran Claudia Hernández, is characterized by an unprecedent transgender protagonist, in the context of El Salvador and its diaspora in the United States throughout the recent decades. The work is also important for Latin American literature in general because it displays a trans aesthetic, related to the use of free indirect style, the absence of proper names, the ambiguity and indeterminacy of its chronotopes, among other elements. Regarding the themes of the novel, the article analyzes the meanings of the travel, and the integration of the protagonist into a queer diaspora in the United States, as well as the implications of gender transition for her return to El Salvador.


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Author Biography

Sebastian Reyes, Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Profesor asociado

Departamento de Linguística y Literatura


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How to Cite

Reyes, S. (2022). The Transliterary Journey in the Novel El verbo J (2018) by Claudia Hernández. Revista Letral, (29), 31–47.


