The Epistolary Genre in Artificial Respiration by Ricardo Piglia: Theory, Utopia and Plot


  • Mario Gutiérrez Blanca Universidad Autónoma de Madrid



Ricardo Piglia, Argentinian narrative 20th century, epistolary genre, functional transformation.


Respiración artificial (1980), by the Argentine writer Ricardo Piglia (1940-2017), constitutes a hybrid narration where the essay is imbedded in dialogue and correspondence, forms which are also combined with biography, autobiography and journal. From among these procedures, this article aims to explore the development and significance of the epistolary genre, the mechanisms that determine the layout of the letters throughout the novel, and the meanings acquired by the defining characteristics of the genre. To this end, we begin with an analysis of the epistolary corpus in three instances: the theory of narration, with the analysis of the meta-discourse displayed in the novel; that of the utopia, through Enrique Ossorio's novelistic project; and that of the plot, examining the tensions established between the social discourses circulating in the letters intercepted by Arocena and the paranoid reading of the dictatorial State.


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Author Biography

Mario Gutiérrez Blanca, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Estudiante del Doble Máster oficial en “Literaturas Hispánicas: Arte, Historia y Sociedad”, impartido en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, y en “Études Ibériques et Latino-Américains”, impartido en la Université Rennes 2.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez Blanca, M. (2020). The Epistolary Genre in Artificial Respiration by Ricardo Piglia: Theory, Utopia and Plot. Revista Letral, (24), 55–75.



Transatlantic Studies