Author Guidelines


  • Papers can be written in Spanish, English, French, and Portuguese.
  • Length: For Monographic, Miscelaneus, and Artistic Interactions sections, the minimum lenght is 33.000 characters with spaces and the maximum is 40.000. For Reviews section, 8.000-10.000. And will include a 100-150 words summary at the beginning, both in the language of the article and in English (if the article is in English, in Spanish). Keywords (5 -10) and Title should also be included in those two languages.
  • Anonymity: In the paper, author must omit his/her name, institution, and self-references (write just "author"). The metadata of the file must be removed, and the anonymization of the file should be carefully reviewed. 
  • Metadata: In the Metadata area, Author(s) must include full name, name of the institution/university, ORCID, country, e-mail, title of the paper, abstracts, keywords, bibliography, and, in that case, the name of the Agreement or Research Proyect.


  • The text should be written in 12 point Times New Roman font. All text should be 1.5 spaced with no tabs neither hiperlinks.
  • The text should have Title, Abstract and Keywords in English and Spanish.  Both in the text and in Metadata.
  • Short quotations should be included within the text between double quotation marks (" "). Long quotations (more than 40 words) should be set in a new paragraph, in 11 point Times New Roman font, indented by 1.5 centimetres and 1.5 spaced. There should be a blank line before and after the quote. Intentional ellipsis within quotations should be marked by three dots in square brackets: […]
  • Notes should be in 10 point Times New Roman font and single spaced. The cross-reference should be placed after the word and after any punctuation marks by means of superscripted Arabic numerals. Notes must not refer to bibliographical references.


APA system must be applied in papers, except for Author's names: we prefer add given names. For more information about APA, visit this blog:

  • Parenthetical references within the text should follow the author-year system (APA), indicating, in brackets, the author’s last name followed by a comma, the year of publication of the work cited, a colon and a space, then the page number. Example: (Smith, 1970: 300).
  • References to an entire work should omit the page number. Example: (Smith, 1970).
  • If the author has published more than one work in the same year, letters in italics should be added: (Smith, 1970a; 1970 b).
  • If the same work is referred to on many occasions, the author’s name can be left out, provided there is no ambiguity. Example: (1970: 300).
  • The references page should be included after the conclutions. Works should be listed in alphabetical order following the system described below:


Printed book:

SURNAME (no small caps), Name. (year). Title.  City: Publishing house. 

 If there are two or more authors, their names should be separated by a semicolon and the final author’s name preceded by “&”; if the number of authors is excessive, the name of the first author plus the formula “et al." in italics can be used.

SMITH, John & SMITH, Katherine (1970). Comparative Literature. Wisconsin: Random House.

SMITH, John; SMITH, Katherine; & SMITH, Nicole (1970). Theory of Literature. Kansas: Eagle.


SURNAME (no small caps), Name (year). Title.  [digital version, eg. Kindle]. 

 Chapters in a book

SURNAME, Name (year). Title. In SURNAME, Name. Title (referenced pages). City: publishing house.

 Journal articles

SURNAME (no small caps), Name (year). Title. Title of the magazine, volume(issue), referenced pages.

 In electronic documents, include url address or DOI, neither Full stop nor date.




  • Images appearing in the text should be inserted using the specific tool provided by the word processing application. They should be in .jpg format. They should be outside the body of the text and centred. The label should be in 11 point Times New Roman, and centred below the image.