The historical-literary revision of the construction of the liberal state in 'Terroristas modernos', by Cristina Morales




Cristina Morales, Terroristas modernos, Novel, Feminism, Liberalism, Politics


This paper aims to explore the hypothesis that both the selection of the historical facts featured in the Terroristas modernos novel (Cristina Morales, 2017), and the novelistic expression of these events, constitute a revision of the historiographic discourse on the construction of liberal democratic state. It also constitutes a reevaluation of the genre traditionally employed as a literary expression of that kind of events: the historical-realistic novel. The nature of this revision relies on a set of methodological tools akin to those proposed by the feminist theory of authors such Donna Haraway and Adrienne Rich. These tools challenge the way in which facts and discourses, be they literary or historical, are presented. Through this critical examination, the study raises a debate on the potential of literature as a medium for critical and transformative political action and reflection.


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How to Cite

Vidal Cámara, D. (2024). The historical-literary revision of the construction of the liberal state in ’Terroristas modernos’, by Cristina Morales. Impossibilia. Revista Internacional De Estudios Literarios, (27), 127–141.