Approaching Systemic and Gender Violence in La ciudad (2022) by Lara Moreno
Lara Moreno, La ciudad, Gender-based violence, Domestic violence, Systemic Violence, MigrationAbstract
This article aims to analyse the issue of domestic and gender violence in relation to the three female protagonists of La ciudad (2022) by Lara Moreno. By focusing on the psychopathological profile of Max, Oliva’s partner, we remark how the emotional blackmail and coercive control that the man exerts on her become increasingly totalizing to the point of affecting not only Oliva, but also Irena, her daughter. In addition, it is important to suggest some considerations on the relationship between structural violence and labour which, in fact, marks the lives of the other two protagonists. More specifically, through the recovery of the most significant narrative moments of the novel and the reflections that arise in this regard, we attempt to reveal how violence(s) affect(s) Oliva, Damaris and Horía directly –or indirectly–, to the point of rewriting their entire life experiences.
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