Tristana in the Literary Criticism of Elvira Lindo: The Feminist Revision of a Literary Classic
Feminist Criticism, Images of Women, Elvira Lindo, Benito Pérez Galdós, TristanaAbstract
The aim of this article is to analyze Elvira Lindo’s feminist interpretation of Tristana. We will dwell, therefore, on Lindo’s discourse on Galdós’ narrative construction of female desire. After that, we will study her search for the author’s autobiographical traces in the narrative text, especially the imprint of the woman who inspired Tristana’s psychological portrait, or ethopoeia. After that, we will compare Lindo’s feminist reading with that of Emilia Pardo Bazán and conclude with the author’s reflection on the alleged feminism attributed to Galdós. Ultimately, the aim of this paper is to add to the research on Lindo’s critical production with a sample of her contribution to the analysis of the images of women that inhabit canonical literature.
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