El sembrador sembró su semilla (1923), by Isabel Oyarzábal de Palencia: Education, Body, and Maternity





Isabel Oyarzábal, novella, female body, education, maternity


The aim of this work is to highlight the elements that Oyarzábal's novel, El sembrador sembró su semilla (1923), presents in order to claim a different treatment of the female body forged by motherhood. The author had been writing since 1907 and her fame came through the pseudonym Beatriz Galindo, a name she used to sign the articles she published in the El Sol newspaper. Since these early years, Isabel Oyarzábal has been especially concerned about education, gender gaps and feminism. It is under this framework of denouncement that we find the novel whose study we intend to address, focused on education, sexuality and its involvement in motherhood. We intend to show that the writer reflects upon ideas that will be the subject of extensive reflection several decades later by the Feminism of Difference movement.


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How to Cite

Cepedello Moreno, M. P. (2023). El sembrador sembró su semilla (1923), by Isabel Oyarzábal de Palencia: Education, Body, and Maternity. Impossibilia. Revista Internacional De Estudios Literarios, (26), 09–21. https://doi.org/10.30827/impossibilia.262023.27965