The possible Worlds of Uchronia: a proposal of subgenres

una proposición de subgéneros




alternate history, possible world, subgenres, literary theory, counterfactual


Alternate history is a literary manifestation distinguished by its closeness to History and science fiction, so to be considered a subgenre of them. However, it has grown to be a genre in its own right, and therefore alternate history has subgenres. Past classifications of alternate history often concern its spatiotemporal possibilities and its themes. This article critically reviews the taxonomies of recent decades and proposes a new typology based on Doležel's theory of possible worlds, developed by Albaladejo Mayordomo and Rodríguez Pequeño. In this way, the subgenres of alternate history can be ordered according to the rules of the fictional universe they construct, thus transcending the plots of the stories and offering a useful tool for literary theory.


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How to Cite

LUMBRERAS MARTÍNEZ, D. (2023). The possible Worlds of Uchronia: a proposal of subgenres: una proposición de subgéneros. Impossibilia. Revista Internacional De Estudios Literarios, (25), 19–31.