The other Conquest of the Americas in Lau rent Binet’s "Civilizations"




ucronía, narrativa francesa, novela histórica, Laurent Binet, Civilizaciones, Historia alternativa, hipótesis


This paper attempts to reconstruct the use made by Laurent Binet’s most classical pattern of historical fiction and historiography to propose an uchronia tale in a another world’ scenario, where civilizations encounter occurs in a different way. Adopting uchronia as its basis, his novel Civilizations is analyzed in the light of current literary and historiographic approaches, as its nuanced plot spins at a multidimensional scale, to reveal also an original and genuine questioning about literature itself. 


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How to Cite

ÁLVAREZ DE LA CRUZ, M. (2023). The other Conquest of the Americas in Lau rent Binet’s "Civilizations". Impossibilia. Revista Internacional De Estudios Literarios, (25), 88–100.