Crossroads and Bifurcations. Uchronia (or Allochronia) from a Semiotic Point of View




The basic mechanism of the uchronic narration as an alternative historical tale is conditional-hypothetical thinking (one of the manifestations of semiosis). Based on this observation, in this paper we study the paradigmatic field of the notion of uchronia, we introduce the variant allochronia and we relate both notions to the temporal modelling (of which we give three fictional examples). Finally, we turn to the work of the physicist Ilya Prigogine and the semiotician Jurij M. Lotman, who reflected, through metaphorical notions such as bifurcation and crossroads, on the multiple possibilities of development (or drift) of dynamic systems (physical and cultural).

Word keys: bifurcations, crossroads, uchronia, allochronia, semiotics


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How to Cite

LAMPIS, M. (2023). Crossroads and Bifurcations. Uchronia (or Allochronia) from a Semiotic Point of View . Impossibilia. Revista Internacional De Estudios Literarios, (25), 5–18.