The Cinematographic Adaptation of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone: The Balance between Filtering and Showing




Harry Potter, Chris Columbus, J. K. Rowling, adaptation, film, novel, Wizarding World


In 2001 Chris Columbus adapted Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Joanne Kathleen Rowling's opera prima to make it the first film in the Harry Potter saga. Our article provides an analysis of some of the decisions made by Columbus regarding the original novel to make his film, especially focused on how the plot and the Wizarding World were treated. To do so, the film is in first place put into context and the concept of adaptation is reviewed, so that later it can be explained why it is important that Columbus chose to filter some elements and show others, something that is exemplified by two scenes from the film.


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Referencias bibliográficas

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Referencias filmográficas

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How to Cite

SOTO ZARAGOZA, J. (2022). The Cinematographic Adaptation of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone: The Balance between Filtering and Showing. Impossibilia. Revista Internacional De Estudios Literarios, (24), 187–208.