The Meaning of History in the Television Series The Foundation (2021)




cience fiction, history, past and narratives, transmediality, Asimov, series


Science fiction has become, throughout its history, a multifaceted literary genre capable of reflecting with intensity and depth many of the problems that are depicted to us in the world in which we live. History, as one of the basic frameworks of our contemporary societies, not only represents the institutionalized memory we have about the past, but also an instrument of great value when it comes to understanding and facing both our future and our present. Through the analysis of the treatment of the historiographical narrative in the adaptation of the work of Isaac Asimov made in the television series The Foundation (Goyer & Friedman, 2021), in this work we intend to approach the vicissitudes and complexities of the historical account, and face the treatment of its subjectivity which has been carried out from fiction.


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How to Cite

GARCÍA MARTÍN, F. D. (2022). The Meaning of History in the Television Series The Foundation (2021). Impossibilia. Revista Internacional De Estudios Literarios, (24), 160–186.