Female friendship and Cultural Networks: The Case of Adelina Gurrea and Elena Fortún





Adelina Gurrea, Elena Fortún, Victorina Durán, networks, letters, poetry, exile


The writer Adelina Gurrea (1896-1971), who was born in Philippines but settled in Spain, never stopped longing for the land where she grew up, and to which she dedicated most of her writings. This did not mean that she was no longer part of the networks that Madrid's female intellectuals wove in the first half of the 20th century. As an account of this involvement, this work reviews her friendship with the writer Elena Fortún. For this purpose, inventories from different institutions, press reports and the dating of poems were examined. However, the most significant documents that allow us to conclude that Adelina Gurrea actively participated in Madrid circles and forums are the letters written by Elena Fortún, both to herself and to other correspondents.


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How to Cite

FRAGA FERNÁNDEZ-CUEVAS, M. J. (2022). Female friendship and Cultural Networks: The Case of Adelina Gurrea and Elena Fortún. Impossibilia. Revista Internacional De Estudios Literarios, (23), 31–53. https://doi.org/10.30827/impossibilia.vi23.23799