Las dificultades de los futuros maestros ante la LIJ: el ejemplo de Alfanhuí


  • Eva MORÓN OLIVARES University of Valencia
  • Consuelo MARTÍNEZ AGUILAR University of Valencia



Young Learners Literature, literary education, teacher training students, literary reading, Alfanhuí


 One of the singular features of the Young Learners Literature is the presence of an adult who promotes the contact with Literature and accompanies in the reading when necessary. The importance of this task determines the need for tutors (and especially school teachers) to possess a solid literary proficiency and the capability to transmit the joy of reading. The newest studies about Teacher Training students in Spain have witnessed a progressive decay of their activities in reading practice, an increased difficulty in their interpreting of literary works, and an increasing indifference for reading. These limitations, and this can be clearly observed in the present article, extend to their appraisal of Young Learners Literature, as their reading of Industrias y andanzas de Alfanhuí, by Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio shows.


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How to Cite

MORÓN OLIVARES, E., & MARTÍNEZ AGUILAR, C. (2014). Las dificultades de los futuros maestros ante la LIJ: el ejemplo de Alfanhuí. Impossibilia. Revista Internacional De Estudios Literarios, (8).