Máscaras culturalistas en tres poetas de los sesenta: la poesía de Carlos Álvarez, Joaquín Benito de Lucas y Félix Grande





Spanish contemporary poetry, culturalist mask, culturalism, Los Novísimos


The use of culturalist masks is one of the main features that characterizes the
poets of the seventies and contributes to establish the poetic rupture ascribed to the group of
the “novísimos”. But many of the innovative elements of Castellet’s group had already
appeared in the Spanish poetry. This research shows how poets of the sixties such as Carlos
Alvarez, Joaquín Benito de Lucas and Félix Grande, used objective correlatives to mask the
poetic “I”.


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Author Biography

Eva ÁLVAREZ RAMOS, University of Valladolid

Dpto. Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura

PRAS 6+6



How to Cite

ÁLVAREZ RAMOS, E. (2016). Máscaras culturalistas en tres poetas de los sesenta: la poesía de Carlos Álvarez, Joaquín Benito de Lucas y Félix Grande. Impossibilia. Revista Internacional De Estudios Literarios, (12). https://doi.org/10.32112/2174.2464.2016.117