Educational intervention for the development of resilience in adolescents from vulnerated contexts in Mexico


  • Norma Graciella Heredia Soberanis Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán
  • Sandra Paola Sunza Chan Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán



Resilience, Intervention, Adolescence, High schools


The objective of this paper is to describe an educational intervention focused on developing resilience skills in the students of a telesecundaria school located in a peri-urban community of Conkal, Yucatán, Mexico, characterized by poverty and high rates of domestic violence, alcoholism, gangs, and school violence. The educational intervention was financed by the National Institute of Social Development (Indesol), implemented administratively by the civil association UADY Foundation and academically by a group of researchers from the Faculty of Education of the Autonomous University of Yucatán (UADY). The effects of the intervention carried out were positive for both sexes and in all grades, with a significant improvement in the final level of resilience. Given the positive results obtained, this intervention is considered as an alternative curricular proposal to be used in educational institutions as part of the pertinent human formation for the 21st century.


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