On Taitas and Laberintos. The international reception of Borges from a glotopolitical perspective


  • Jorge J. Locane




orges, criollismo, poetry, Moon across the Way, international reception


This contribution is part of a broader project of reflection on the conditions which permit or obstruct the international circulation of literature. In this case, a glotopolitical perspective is used, focusing on the linguistic dimension of the literary phenomenon. In a first step, the article takes up studies that examine the contrast between Jorge Luis Borges’ early stage and the one that begins to take shape from the 1930s onwards. If the former is distinguished by a certain criollismo and an emphasis on poetry and essays, the latter is dominated by the short story, metaphysical labyrinths and a language free of culturemes. Based on these observations, the further analysis focuses on the evolution of the poetry book Moon across the Way (1925), and on the international reception to demonstrate that the only Borges that is transferable to the international circuit –and the only one disseminated in this domain– is the second.


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How to Cite

Locane, J. J. (2019). On Taitas and Laberintos. The international reception of Borges from a glotopolitical perspective. Theory Now. Journal of Literature, Critique, and Thought, 2(2), 119–131. https://doi.org/10.30827/tnj.v2i2.9500



Monográfico: "Crítica cultural y Glotopolítica"