Women's Writing in the Gears of Progressive Utopia: Claire Démar, Aleksandra Kollontai


  • Sylvia Kratochvil Université Bordeaux Montaigne




history of feminism, New woman, women's writing, social utopia, Walter Benjamin, Claire Démar, Alexandra Kollontaï


This paper compares, starting from the idea of ​​a "female culture" (Simmel), the writings of two women who belong to the history of feminism from the nineteenth to the first half of the twentieth century. These are Claire Démar, engaged with Saint-simonianism, who committed suicide in 1833, and Aleksandra Kollontai, a journalist and politician close to Lenin and Clara Zetkin. The question of engagement is developed in two opposite directions. The first—which grounds on the posthumous text Ma loi d’avenir [My law of the future] by Démar—is akin to an afterthought critique that has its back turned to the future, despite its ideology of progress which draws on the language of Saint-Simonianism. The second—following the Paths of love by Kollontai—stands out as a prospective critique. The archeology of feminism therefore is bogged down in the unstable ground on which the woman-writer constitutes herself as a subject. The failure of these two politico-aesthetic projects further escapes the critique of social utopias in the Communist Manifesto (1848). With Benjamin, sensitive to the ideas of the "New Woman", as well as to matriarchal prehistory, I seek to outline an equilibrium between the solitary, monadic individual and modern society.


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How to Cite

Kratochvil, S. (2024). Women’s Writing in the Gears of Progressive Utopia: Claire Démar, Aleksandra Kollontai. Theory Now. Journal of Literature, Critique, and Thought, 7(1), 254–270. https://doi.org/10.30827/tn.v7i1.29049



Special Issue: Politiques de la littérature