




技能, 教师培养, 学生, 学习计划







He has been a professor at the University of Girona since 1995 and, in 2012, he obtained his doctoral degree from the University of Girona. Currently, he is a member of the Department of Pedagogy in the area of MIDE (Research and Diagnostic Methods in Education). He is part of a consolidated research group in which he has participated in various research projects funded by the Ministry, leading to several publications. (email: joan.puiggali@udg.edu


She is Professor in the MIDE area (Research and Diagnostic Methods in Education) of the Department of Pedagogy at the University of Girona (UdG). She holds a Doctorate in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and has two master's degrees: one in Psychopathology of Childhood and Adolescence, and another in Learning Psychology. Currently, she is the principal investigator of the Bitacola research group in UdG (Collaborative Research Team for Curricular, Organizational, and Guidance Improvement in Education) and a member of the IRE (Educational Research Institute) at the University of Girona. She has participated in various research projects, both European and national, leading to numerous publications. (email: montse.tesouro@udg.edu) 


She has been a professor at the University of Girona since 2004 to the present. In 2012, she obtained her doctoral degree from the University of Girona. Currently, she is a member of the Department of Pedagogy in the area of Didactics and School Organization. Also, she is a member of the IRE (Educational Research Institute) and is a researcher in the Bitacola research group at UdG (Collaborative Research Team for Curricular, Organizational, and Guidance Improvement in Education). Currently, she serves as the head of studies at the Cor de Maria school/institute in La Bisbal (Girona). (email: nuria.felip@udg.edu)


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