Information For Authors

Are you interested in submitting to this journal? We recommend that you review the About the Journal section to consult its policies, as well as the Author Guidelines. Authors need to register with the journal to submit, or if they are already registered, they can simply log in and begin the 5-step submission process

Scope of the Journal

SOBRE. Publishing Practices in Arts and Architecture is journal published annually that addresses from a complex and multifaceted perspective the relationship between the practice of art and architecture- and its modes and production systems - with structures, means and devices serving to distribute and communicate in academic and professional spheres, as well as in society in general.

The articles submitted to sections “Campo”, “Panorama” and "Pliego" are subject to anonymous review (“double blind” process).

The research or review articles submitted to the “Campo” section of the journal may openly adhere to  the following lines:

  • Studies that deepen and put into question the use of both traditional (books, journals, catalogues, film, photography ...) and contemporary (video, internet, social networks …) means of dissemination and communication of art and architecture production.
  • Reflections on artistic projects that use editorial means or that enquire into concepts such as the multiplicity, seriality or sequentiality of written or visual archives.
  • Studies of archives and records in the field of art and architecture.
  • Review of initiatives and experiences related to legislation, copyright policies and licenses in the fields of art and architecture.
  • Tools and technologies that allow to edit, reproduce, multiply and disseminate artistic works.
  • Delve into the question of edition and reflect on the practices and experiments linked to the matter.
  • Review of cultural experiences (music, performing arts, dance, cinema, etc.) that affect or bolster the editing processes.

Reception of articles for the “Campo” section is permanently open.

The research or review of articles submitted to the journal for the “Panorama” and "Pliego" sections must  adhere to the topic of each issue and respect the journal’s deadline.

The invitation-only sections "Pantalla" (Screen), "Correspondencias" (Correspondences), "Estudio" (Study), and "Cita de cierre" (Closing Quote) follow the theme proposed in the respective issue or volume.