Vol. 8 No. 2 (2015)

Published: 2015-12-20

Table of contents

Cultures, Global Worlds and Peace

  • Maria-José Cano
  • Beatriz Molina Rueda
Published: Dec 19, 2015
Pages 9-27

Crime and Criminal Policy Foundation

  • Néstor Juan Sanabria Landazábal
  • Jesús María Cárdenas Beltrán
  • Jairo Antonio Contreras Capella
Published: Dec 19, 2015
Pages 53-74

Pacifist empowerment for other possible worlds

  • Eduardo Sandoval Forero
Published: Dec 19, 2015
Pages 75-95

Engaging with environmental justice through conflict transformation: experiences in Latin America with Indigenous peoples

  • Iokiñe Rodriguez
  • Mirna Liz Inturias
  • Juliana Robledo
  • Carlos Sarti
  • Rolain Borel
  • Ana Cabria Melace
Published: Dec 19, 2015
Pages 97-128

Ethnic identity and socio-linguistic: Multi-ethnic conflicts in Kazakhstan

  • Antonio Manuel Lozano Martín
  • Botagoz Rakiesheva
Published: Dec 19, 2015
Pages 129-148

Collective actions of women´s organizations for peace in Colombia

  • Mayra Lucia Sánchez Mora
  • Zuriñe Rodríguez Lara
Published: Dec 19, 2015
Pages 149-177

New measure and thresholds for inequality and its link with social conflict

  • Benito Vinuesa Guerrero
  • Rosa M. García Fernández
Published: Dec 19, 2015
Pages 203-223

Against dehumanization. Knowledge and insights from peace

  • Daniel Ricardo Martínez Bernal
Published: Dec 19, 2015
Pages 289-292

Barbed wire. An Ecology of Modernity

  • Francisco Jiménez Aguilar
Published: Dec 19, 2015
Pages 297-300