Practices on the SDGs for an education for global citizenship




SDGs, Global Citizenship Education, Educational Innovation


Introduction: This article introduces a part of the internship program of the Didactics of Social Sciences subject of the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Granada (academic year 2021-2022). The internship program has been designed to train students around the Sustainable Development Goals and it is planned to incorporate the treatment of education for global citizenship.

Method: The research method has been that of participatory-action-research. This methodology has been implemented through different techniques for the development of practices: learning based on projects or problems, service-learning, learning based on challenges and especially cooperative learning.

Results: There has been an increase in the knowledge of the students about the Sustainable Development Goals. A high level of motivation has been verified in the realization of the practices. Carrying out concrete actions and community service has been shown to be an experience highly valued by the students.

Conclusions: The materials for the development of the internship program have been properly designed according to their finality. Students have shown a high degree of satisfaction and the resulting teaching materials are easy to apply and replicate in similar educative contexts.


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How to Cite

Martín-Arroyo Sánchez, D. J., & Ballesteros Alarcón, V. M. (2024). Practices on the SDGs for an education for global citizenship. Revista UNES. Universidad, Escuela Y Sociedad, (17), 77–90.



Teaching Innovation