Vol. 15 No. 4: Special Issue on Statistics and Probability in Early Childhood Education (November, 2021)

Special Issue on Statistics and Probability in Early Childhood Education (November, 2021)

Invited Editor: Angel Alsina

Published: 2021-11-26

Table of contents

The Beggining of Probabilistic Reasoning in Early Childhood Education

  • Carmen Batanero
  • Rocío Ávarez Arroyo
  • Luis A. Hernández Solís
  • María M. Gea Serrano
Published: Nov 25, 2021
Pages 267-288

Tally and manipulative representations: The first steps of statistical literacy

  • Luis J. Rodríguez Muñiz
  • Laura Muñiz Rodríguez
  • Álvaro Aguilar González
Published: Nov 25, 2021
Pages 311-338

Teaching statistics and probability from 4 to 8 years of age: an approach from mathematical processes in Chilean textbooks

  • Claudia Vásquez Ortiz
  • Claudia Coronata Segure
  • Hernán Rivas Catricheo
Published: Nov 25, 2021
Pages 339-365