Стратегия остранения в переводе «сильных» текстов русской культуры


  • Вероника Разумовская Сибирский федеральный университет

Ключевые слова:

Literary text, cultural information, translation strategy, estranging


The article deals with the issues of literary translation which is described as “art-science”. The main attention ispaid to culture-orientated translation strategies. The “strong” texts are considered from the point of view of theirinformation space which traditionally includes cultural information and cultural memory. The categorical paradigmof modern literary translation theory reveals permanent changes at the expense of the neighboring scientific areas.The newly coined category of estrangement has derived from the similar artistic technique and serves to be the vividexample of the translation paradigm expansion. The category of estrangement has developed into a key principleof art and generated the literary translation strategy of estranging. The Bulgakov’s text “The Master and Margarita”is studied in the context of the notion of a center of translation attraction, being gradually formed in a process ofintersemiotic and interlingual translations. The strategy of estranging is orientated on the text elements carryingcultural information.


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Как цитировать

Разумовская, В. (2014). Стратегия остранения в переводе «сильных» текстов русской культуры. Mundo Eslavo, (13), 177–192. извлечено от https://revistaseug.ugr.es/index.php/meslav/article/view/17549


