Subject means of divination in the Russian-Polish linguistic comparison


  • Ewa Stras



Human beings have always yearned to know what the future holds in store for them. It is not surprising therefore that fortune-telling has been practised for thousands of years. However, the gift of clairvoyance is not given to every human being. In antiquity, it was believed to be a talent belonging only to the chosen ones; hence the special position of priests and sorcerers, who performed rituals intended to establish contact with supernatural forces. At the present time, a similar role is played by fortune-tellers. From a linguistic point of view, divination is a communicative act. This article is devoted to linguistic issues related to the names of various magic tools used in fortune-telling. These objects constitute a link of the act of linguistic communication as part of the co-situation, even though they may not always be named during this act. The analysis focuses on noun collocations with verbs wróżyć/гадать (i.e., tell one’s fortune) and nouns derived from these two verbs. Assessing their status from the linguistic perspective, particularly the constancy of components in similar phrases, poses a rather complicated problem due to the large amount and changeability of the used objects as well as their names. Only some of them can be regarded as traditional, i.e., constant. The juxtaposition of units coming from the two related languages reveals a wider variety of the discussed collocations in Russian compared to Polish.


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How to Cite

Stras, E. (2021). Subject means of divination in the Russian-Polish linguistic comparison. Mundo Eslavo, (20), 50–67.


