Миф Достоевского в России и Германии 1920-х годов: перипетии и парадоксы культурного трансфера


  • Olga Bogdanova The A. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Palabras clave:

R. Fulop-Miller, “Piper-Verlag”, series “Dostoevsky’s heritage”, manuscripts, land


The article describes the unusual history of the first publication of several manuscripts by F. M. Dostoevsky in foreign (German) language and in another country (Germany). Uncovered factors affecting the design and implementation of an unprecedented publishing project of the Munich Piper-Verlag – eight volume series of the “Dostoevsky’s heritage” (1925–1931) with reviews of the best Russian literary scholars: A. S. Dolinin, V. L. Komarovich, L. P. Grossman, N. L. Brodsky, P. N. Sakulin, etc. The little-known circumstances of this project clarified with the help of archival studies. In addition, on the basis of the contemporary critiques (reviews, articles, monographs) shown the value of the volumes of the “Dostoyevsky’s Heritage” in the context of evolving in those years the world science of writer. Characterized the contents and a scientific trend of each volume. Special attention is paid to the volume “Prototype of “The Brothers Karamazov”, prepared by V. L. Komarovich in 1928. Here for the first time published the manuscripts of the last Dostoevsky’s novel, which were prefaced with Z. Freud’s foreword “Dostoevsky and parricide”, specially written for this edition, and the fundamental research by Komarovich about the creative history and poetics of the novel, where prominent place occupied the issue of “land” in “The Brothers Karamazov”. Also given the responses to the publication of Soviet and emigrant periodicals of 1920-ies. Absorbed the facts and circumstances of travel of the inspirer and organizer of the series, the Austrian critic R. Fulop-Miller in Soviet Russia 1923–1924 in search of the unknown materials of Dostoevsky and about him. There are the outlooks of further study of the contacts between Russian and German science about the great Russian writer. The article uses the hermeneutic, the historical-typological and historical-comparative methods, and the elements of conceptual (constantology) analysis.


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Cómo citar

Bogdanova, O. (2017). Миф Достоевского в России и Германии 1920-х годов: перипетии и парадоксы культурного трансфера. Mundo Eslavo, (16), 9–18. Recuperado a partir de https://revistaseug.ugr.es/index.php/meslav/article/view/17574



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