Development of media competence in the Ibero- American context


  • Ignacio Aguaded Universidad de Huelva
  • Isidro Marín Gutiérrez Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja
  • Mari Carmen Caldeiro Pedreira Universidad de Santiago de Compostela



ICT, educommunication, media competencies, dimensions, students, universities, teachers


Digitization and interactivity favor the immediate diffusion of audiovisualcontent through the multiple screens that make up the media ecosystem typical of hypermedia society. Taking into account reports dependent on UNESCO or the UN and given that practically the entire planet uses ICTs, within the framework of the Alfamed Network, different ad hoc tools have been designed that have been applied in different countries to collect information on Levels of development of media competence among student and teacher collectives. In this research, the data obtained and the differences established between the participating samples are presented. The main objective of this macro-study is to know what the differences are according to the six dimensions that make up the media competence (Ferrés 2007) in Primary school children, young people in Secondary school, university students and non-university teachers. Four questionnaires were carried out with a total sample of 12,804 subjects in eight different countries. Social indicators were created to determine the six dimensions and the data were analyzed. The figures certify the need for literacy in many of the dimensions that make up media competition, especially in those that reach lower thresholds. To alleviate this detected deficiency is committed to educommunication as a way to empower the users of ICTs to be able to make critical judgments and can act responsibly in the media society.


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How to Cite

Aguaded, I., Marín Gutiérrez, I., & Caldeiro Pedreira, M. C. (2018). Development of media competence in the Ibero- American context. Revista Letral, (20), 156–182.