«The part about the crimes» in 2666: visibilizing «femicide» as politics of literature


  • Elisa CABRERA GARCÍA Universidad de Granada




Rancière, politics of literature, femicide theory, literary theory, 2666


This article focuses on the politics of literature and political aesthetics, in light of the literary theories of Jacques Ranciere, with an analysis of the chapter “La parte de los crímenes”, featured in 2666 (2004), written by Roberto Bolaño. This work can be read as a literary form of the “Femicide theory”. This concept, coined by Jill Radford and Diana Russel, has been adopted and developed by Latin-American academics, who grant it its present global status. In support of these theories, an analysis of Roberto Bolaños literary corpus is made, detailing the essential characteristics and methods with which the literary text gives a specific gender perspective to the book.


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How to Cite

CABRERA GARCÍA, E. (2016). «The part about the crimes» in 2666: visibilizing «femicide» as politics of literature. Revista Letral, (16), 28–39. https://doi.org/10.30827/rl.v0i16.4926



Transatlantic Studies