Encuentro de Dionisio y Dédalo en el mundo híbrido del Color del verano de Reinaldo Arenas


  • Daniel Nemrava University Palacký de Olomouc




El color del verano, reinaldo arenas, labyrinth, cuban literatura, Kafka, Daedalus, Dionysus


This paper proposes a reading of the novel Color del verano of Reinaldo Arenas from the significance of the institution of the labyrinth defined by Gustav René Hocke and also from Franz Kafka poetic, the great “constructor” of labyrinthine and extravagant universes. Hocke interprets literature within the Mannerist tradition, whose maximum expression is found in modern literature, built on the basis of the wandering labyrinthine principle. And precisely these coordinates that complement themselves, both at the level of significance and at the narrative level, will guide our reading of the text of Arenas in which we discover the background that Hocke finds at the root of Mannerist expression: the mythological tension between the daedalic and dionysiac principle that then allows to understand all the labyrinthine as an essential image of the being endowed with an ambivalent or tragicomic character. We will also focus, on one hand, in the labyrinthine construction of fictional entities within the framework of oppositional schemes, typical of the archiestructura of the Myth: inside/outside, encounter/dis-encounter, splitting, etc. On the other hand, we will focus the transformation of that structure in the modern myth represented as a hybrid world, as it appears in the narrative of Kafka.


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How to Cite

Nemrava, D. (2014). Encuentro de Dionisio y Dédalo en el mundo híbrido del Color del verano de Reinaldo Arenas. Revista Letral, (13), 44–53. https://doi.org/10.30827/rl.v0i13.3783



Transatlantic Studies