Confesar y revelar en Angelote, amor mío de Javier Vásconez


  • Emmanuelle Sinardet Universidad de Paris Ouest Nanterre - La Défense



Ecuador, Vásconez, Confession, Sacred, Homosexuality


In Javier Vásconez’ short novel Angelote, amor mío, the confession leitmotiv not only points to the act of disclosing a shameful secret: it also bears the meaning of confession as a statement of faith. The « I » narrator who takes on the confession declares loyalty and love, a homosexual and transgressive love. Contrary to the religious act of confession, this statement of faith does not reinstate to the narrator into the community; on the contrary, it challenges the community's beliefs and values. Consequently, this confession undermines the concept of truth; it reduces the notion of truth to a matter of mere social conventions, and shows in return another reality that turns into THE truth. The narration constitutes a platform for the assertion of a different voice.


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How to Cite

Sinardet, E. (2013). Confesar y revelar en Angelote, amor mío de Javier Vásconez. Revista Letral, (11), 176–191.


