Jam de escritura: ¿fuente o corolario de un cambio de paradigma comunicativo?


  • Sonia Gómez University of Lausana




Contemporary Literature, Improvisation, Creativity, New Technologies, Intermediality


The writing called « jam » is a literary improvisation changed into a social event where authors, readers and other artists from different areas are gathered together. In 2007, Adrián Hudowski, writer and scriptwriter, organised the first writing “jam” in Argentina, joining literature, music and graphic art. Keeping in mind this new kind of creative performance, we will try to solve some principles resulting from this new genre. This manner offers substantial change with due respect to the author, the reader but also the work. From this point, we will try to know if the fictional genre changes itself in order to come close to other literary genres, if the technological influence opens new boundaries and if so, which ones. On the other hand, we will be interested by one crucial element in those events: the screen. Of course, not only the screen is an essential component for this exercise, but also in its relationship between the author and the reader, the author and the text, and the text and the public. Besides its material aspect, this element develops a thematic function and turns into a literary and social symbol. As a matter of fact, this view offers a starting point for a reflection about the contemporary fiction.


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How to Cite

Gómez, S. (2013). Jam de escritura: ¿fuente o corolario de un cambio de paradigma comunicativo?. Revista Letral, (11), 82–94. https://doi.org/10.30827/rl.v0i11.3750



Transatlantic Studies