2666 en escena: relato, imagen y mestizaje artístico


  • Gabriela Cordoe University of Toulouse




Bolaño, 2666, Image, Audio-Visual Means, Stage


This study draws attention to the uses and the aesthetic significance of the technological means employed by Alex Rigola in his theatrical adaptation and staging of Roberto Bolaño’s posthumous work, 2666 (TeatreLliure, 2007). It also examines the link between the images created on stage and the original narrative text.


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How to Cite

Cordoe, G. (2015). 2666 en escena: relato, imagen y mestizaje artístico. Revista Letral, (11), 11–23. https://doi.org/10.30827/rl.v0i11.3744



Transatlantic Studies