Reading through art for the worlds to come. A pedagogical take on the ever-present (and ever-pressing) question what can art do?


  • Jerónimo Duarte Riascos Harvard University



"Art education seems to be ubiquitous lately. Creativity, innovation, and multiple intelligences are generally celebrated concepts. It is almost politically incorrect to conceive of a curriculum, in any field whatsoever, that lacks a minimum amount of ‘artistic’ exposure. Some even argue that the now old STEM focus for education (science, technology, engineering, math) should mutate into a more up-to-date and fashionable STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, math)..."


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Nancy, Jean-Luc. La Communauté Affrontée. Paris: Galilée, 2001. Print. CollectionLa Philosophie En Effet.

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How to Cite

Duarte Riascos, J. (2013). Reading through art for the worlds to come. A pedagogical take on the ever-present (and ever-pressing) question what can art do?. Revista Letral, (10), 127–140.