El laboratorio de la granja transfronteriza


  • Raúl Cárdenas Osuna Torolab




Camino Verde, Molecular Planning, Migration, Change Agents, Creative Economies


The TransBorderFarmLab for Camino Verde in the border city of Tijuana, B.C., Mexico from the art collective Torolab is a participatory project of great community impact, which revolves around the development of the city in relation to food intervening the community with higher nutritional poverty rate per square meter in the state, by applying creative economies initiatives and transdisciplinary operations.


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How to Cite

Cárdenas Osuna, R. (2011). El laboratorio de la granja transfronteriza. Revista Letral, (7), 138–151. https://doi.org/10.30827/rl.v0i7.3671



Cultural Agents