Reflexión y experiencia: el género novelesco en Juan José Saer


  • Andrea Torres Perdigón University of Paris - Sorbonne



Saer, Novel, Experience, Reflection, Metafiction, Realism


The vast and complex novels of Juan José Saer invite us to think the importance of literary gender within his aesthetic project. By “novel” we understand here a highly codified gender as well as the place of an undetermined and overt writing. This paradoxical condition — which is inherent to the novel—, is an essential material and a fundamental topic of reflection for the development of his whole narrative project. By analyzing some characteristics of the novels published after Glosa, we will expose how the third period of the saerian narrative can be described as a tension between, on the one hand, the reflection on what the novel is as a gender, and on the other, the search of a new relationship between narration and experience.


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How to Cite

Torres Perdigón, A. (2011). Reflexión y experiencia: el género novelesco en Juan José Saer. Revista Letral, (7), 102–113.




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