Towards Política poética. The “social” conferences of Juan Ramón Jiménez in Argentina and Uruguay




Juan Ramón Jiménez, Política poética; Los Anales de Buenos Aires; Spanish exile


In 1948, Juan Ramón Jiménez, who was invited by Los Anales de Buenos Aires, held a conference tour in cities of Argentina and Uruguay. Most of them collected his political and social thinking, showing a facet far removed from the topic of the uncommitted poet. Some conferences had been voiced in Cuba, Puerto Rico or the United States, but in 1948, for the first time, had been grouped together and organized pursuing the exposure of his reflections on democracies, totalitarisms, comunism, capitalism, imperialism, mercantilism or the technological progress. This article analyzes the conferences that were pronounced at the Río de la Plata, in a triple to which the poet was not foreign: the end of World War II, the peronism and the intelectual community of the Spanish exile. It argues that these conferences, which were long-term, constituted the seed of the project Poética política, unpublished until its posthumous publication (1982).


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How to Cite

García Gutiérrez, R. (2025). Towards Política poética. The “social” conferences of Juan Ramón Jiménez in Argentina and Uruguay. Revista Letral, (35), 32–56.