Una rebelión fractal. La distopía caribeña de Luis Othoniel Rosa


  • Guadalupe Silva Universidad de Buenos Aires, CONICET




Luis Othoniel Rosa – Piglia - dystopia – post-capitalism


This note proposes a reading of the novel Caja de fractales (2017) by the Puerto Rican writer Luis Othoniel Rosa, based on a question from Alan Pauls: how does this narrative answer the question about the limits of capitalism? The work is divided into two sections. In the first, we review Rosa's relationship with Ricardo Piglia through his classes at Princeton, and the influence exerted by the Argentine writer on the Puerto Rican's work, particularly in Caja de fractales. In the second, we analyze Rosa's response to the aforementioned Pauls question, taking into account the author's interest in anarchism. Our hypothesis is that for the novel it is indeed possible to think an outside of capitalism, and that this possibility is not only imaginary but also propositional. The text invites us to think about how to open channels of solidarity in a world that is ruthless and oppressive.



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How to Cite

Silva, G. (2021). Una rebelión fractal. La distopía caribeña de Luis Othoniel Rosa. Revista Letral, (27), 260–269. https://doi.org/10.30827/rl.v0i27.20777


