Opening the Wounds. Meruane, Gerber, Mendieta: Geo-Writings of a Damaged Planet


  • Estefanía Bournot Universidad de Innsbruck



extractivism, female bodies, landscape, geologic writing


Drawing on the conceptualizations of the in-mundo (Andermann) and the cosmo-agony (Galindo), this article explores a series of literary and artistic expressions that connect the pathological imaginary of the human body with the ecological crisis. It deals with the strategies of codification of illness that are displayed in texts by Verónica Gerber and Lina Meruane, and that are also echoed in recent artistic production in Latin America. Placed in the specific context of the productive areas of the extractivist system, I suggest that the works analyzed here use illness as a metaphor for environmental degradation by establishing a parallel between body – territory – text.


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Author Biography

Estefanía Bournot, Universidad de Innsbruck

Doctorada en filología románica por la Universidad de Potsdam. Profesora asistente de la Universidad de Innsbruck.


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How to Cite

Bournot, E. (2021). Opening the Wounds. Meruane, Gerber, Mendieta: Geo-Writings of a Damaged Planet. Revista Letral, (25), 54–73.



Special Issue