“The Eye on the Edge of the Abyss”: Héctor A. Murena’s Philosophy of History Between Europe and Latin America


  • Juan Manuel Torbidoni Universidad Católica Argentina




H. A. Murena, philosophy of history in Latin America, Schiller, Kleist, Argentine essay on national identity, metaphysical banishment.


This article focuses on Héctor A. Murena’s philosophy of history, as rendered in his essay collection El pecado original de América (1954). It interprets and elaborates on the book’s main topics: parricide, metaphysical banishment, dispossession, geographical displacement, solitude, abyss, and transobjectivity. It recovers the decisive yet overlooked influence of Schiller upon Murena, especially the former’s opposition between naivete and sentimentality. It compares Kleist’s secularization of the biblical narrative of the fall and banishment from Eden with Murena’s own version, arguing that his theorization on Latin American identity bares key elements of the German romantic view on history. Finally, it points out that Murena’s reflections on history are actually centered on Buenos Aires.


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Author Biography

Juan Manuel Torbidoni, Universidad Católica Argentina

Doctor en Literatura Comparada, Harvard University 2018. Magister en Humanidades y Pensamiento Social, New York Univeristy 2010. Licenciado en Filosofía, Universidad Católica Argentina 2007.

Profesor adjunto de "Pensamiento Iberoamericano" y Coordinador del CELC (Centro de Estudios en Literatura Comparada), Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Católica Argentina.


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How to Cite

Torbidoni, J. M. (2020). “The Eye on the Edge of the Abyss”: Héctor A. Murena’s Philosophy of History Between Europe and Latin America. Revista Letral, (24), 22–38. https://doi.org/10.30827/rl.v0i24.15479



Transatlantic Studies