Hmmmm, Abia, Eco. Rename and renarrate from Anthropocene and Ecozoic Era
ecocriticism, nature-culture, poiesis, Anthropocene, Ecozoic Era, new narrations.Abstract
This article analyzes from ecocritical and intercultural literary perspectives some inter-relationships and poiesis between what is usually called as nature-culture. In particular, it examines the Anthropocene and the Ecozoic Era as new names and narratives in our times of climate change and global warming, in order to argue that every civilizational crisis begins, and manifests itself, as a language crisis. The new names and stories are then poiesis, or creations of the word, and have a key role to express both, the needs of more comprehensive languages, and the aspirations of individual and collective transitions. In this sense, mythical, poetic, oral and linguistic denominations (hmmmm, Abiayala, oralitura) are also studied in the context of trends and movements that question the univocity of science, as well as the idea of a better future due to technology, virtuality and genetic manipulation.
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