Beyond qualities: an approach to the sentiment of love from the poetic language


  • Sebastián Pereira Restrepo Universidad del Rosario



love, theory of qualities, value of the beloved person, language game, poetry.


The article begins by presenting the idea that the valuable qualities of the beloved person are the ground of the sentiment of love (“theory of qualities”). It is pointed out that this idea would allow to explain certain central features of the sentiment of love, namely some of its rational and irrational aspects, its orientation towards the discovery of the beauty and excellence of the beloved person as well as its tendency to singularize and distinguish the beloved one from among every other person. Some objections against the theory of qualities are exposed, particularly those related with its conception of persons as aggregates of qualities. It is proposed that the theory of qualities should be restricted but maintaining the idea that the sentiment of love allows a perception of the value and beauty of the beloved person. It is showed that the language of qualities is a “language game” inadequate to the sentiment of love. Finally, through an example of Pablo Neruda’s poetry it is indicated how the “language of love” can refer to the value and the beauty of the beloved person without recurring to the language of qualities.


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Author Biography

Sebastián Pereira Restrepo, Universidad del Rosario

Doctor en Filosofía de la Goethe-Universität de Frankfurt. M A. en Filosofía de la Justus Liebig Universität de Giessen, Profesional en Filosofía de la misma universidad. Profesor de cátedra de la Universidad del Rosario (Bogotá)


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How to Cite

Pereira Restrepo, S. (2020). Beyond qualities: an approach to the sentiment of love from the poetic language. Revista Letral, (24), 262–280.



Human Sciences