Tinta y tiempo, Metasong in Jorge Drexler's Production
Metasong, Jorge Drexler, Spanish Singer-songwriter, Song, MetaliteratureAbstract
This paper aims to analyze the various manifestations of metasong (metacanción) in the work of the Uruguayan artist Jorge Drexler. To this end, I will explore some manifestations of metaliterature and focus on two case studies that delve into the emerging concept of metasong: De Miguel (2021) and Baños Saldaña and Sánchez Ungido (2023). We will propose our own definition of metacanción within the framework of aforementioned studies. Based on this definition, we will conduct a textual analysis of a selection of Jorge Drexler’s songs that reflect on the creative process in itself. A diachronic examination of Drexler's work will allow us not only to showcase his various perspectives on the act of songwriting, but also to consider his oeuvre in a broader sense, ultimately contributing to the relatively underexplored field of metacanción studies.
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