Clothing in the Poetry of Josefina de la Torre and Concha Méndez




Edad de Plata, The Twenty's, Clothing, Fashion, Spanish Poetry, Women's Poetry, Josefina de la Torre, Concha Méndez


In Spain Women’s poetry of the 1920s was initially marginalized and then forgotten by the literary canon. This historical context serves as a background to understand the significance of the women poets who succeeded in opening poetic spaces to represent themselves. The study focuses on clothing, first as a language through which new modern women announce their transformation to society and second as how two poets, Josefina de la Torre (1907-2002) and Concha Méndez (1898-1986), incorporate the semiotics of clothing into their poetry and create original images that include references to dress. Both textual strategies permit the poets to represent women’s experiences and subjectivity


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How to Cite

Keefe Ugalde, S. (2023). Clothing in the Poetry of Josefina de la Torre and Concha Méndez. Impossibilia. Revista Internacional De Estudios Literarios, (26), 35–46.