“Cuando nació apareció el lobo" by Marosa di Giorgio: Hybridity and Transmediality
Río de la Plata Literature, generic hybridity, liminality, transmediality, exocanonic, poetryperformance, fairy tales rewriting, video artAbstract
The poem “Cuando nació apareció el lobo” by the Uruguayan author Marosa di Giorgio (1935-2004), first was published in the book La falena in 1987; it was recited by Di Giorgio in a reading and recorded by the Ayuí label; later, it became a video-fiction directed by Eduardo Casanova in 1989. We are interested in focusing on the performed and recited of the Di Giorgio readings for these three versions of the same poem and rewriting of “Little Red Riding Hood”. We also investigate how these adaptations open new hermeneutical possibilities about the “original”. The specific languages of the declaimed poem and the audiovisual media often discuss the written word: they can highlight certain zones, hide meanings, or reveal what is repressed.
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